جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

NAS society for social support (Turkey) making a visit to the Ribat Relief Endowment

On Wednesday 02/06/2021 the President of NAS society for social support (Turkey) Dr. Yahya Hassan Al-Daba, and the Secretary-General of the Association, Dr. Abdulwasi Al-Wasei, visited the headquarters of the Ribat Relief Endowment located in Konya (Ribat Eğitim Vakfı). During the visit, they met Mr. Syed Doman the head of the endowment.

During the visit, They presented a conception of the NAS society for social support and its humanitarian projects, calling for strengthening cooperation between the two parties. Mr. Doman also thanked the NAS NAS society for this visit, expressing his admiration for the association’s work and its humanitarian projects and community support for the groups in need.

At the end of the meeting, the team of NAS society thanked the Ribat Educational Endowment for the hospitality and observed interaction, wishing to develop and strengthen the continuous relations between the two parties and raise the level of jointed projects for the benefit of the needy in the future.

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