جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

The “Nas” Association visited the “Hayat Yolu” Association.

A delegation from the “Nas” Social Support Association, consisting of the Secretary-General Dr. Abdulwasi Alwasai, the General Manager Dr. Mohammed Mahfouz, and the Programs and Partnerships Manager Mohammed Hamza, visited the “Hayat Yolu” Association in Istanbul on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. They were welcomed by Mr. Omar Ali, responsible for supervision and relations, and Mr. Khaled Bayoud, responsible for external relations at the “Hayat Yolu” Association.

During the visit, the “Nas” Association and its projects, as well as its partners in Turkey and abroad, were introduced. The role of the association in providing urgent relief to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria was also discussed.

The “Nas” Association has continued in providing important support since its establishment, contributing to making a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and families through interventions in health, education, emergency response, protection and shelter, orphan sponsorship, and nutrition, especially in Syria, Djibouti, and Yemen.

Various topics related to mutual cooperation and coordination between the two associations were presented, with a focus on establishing bilateral relationships to support and assist the most vulnerable groups, particularly in the critical healthcare sector with limited resources. Additionally, the exchange of experiences and knowledge in humanitarian and charitable aspects took place. The most significant results of the visit was the strengthening bilateral relations between the two associations, focusing on healthcare projects, orphan sponsorship and care. Additionally, there was an expressed interest from the “Hayat Yolu” Association to actively work and collaborate on marketing, implementing, and coordinating the projects offered by the “Nas” Association. Coordination with the “Nidaa Al-Tifl” Association regarding orphan care and sponsorship projects was also discussed

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