جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

Nas Society implements food baskets project in Wusab Al-Safil

The Turkish Nas Society for Social Support distributed in Wusab Al-Safil area, Al-Mishrafa camp for the displaced, the food basket project, on January 2021, where the whole camp was covered. The food basket contained flour, sugar, rice, oil, sauce and legumes. It is worth noting that Al-Mishrafa camp received a wave of displacement due to the confrontations on the western coast in the brotherly Yemen. This western coast of Yemen is considered one of the poorest regions of the country and not many organizations are interested in it.

These projects come from Nas Society for Social Support to contribute to improving conditions and alleviating the suffering of the displaced in Yemen, whose number has reached more than three million people due to wars and conflicts.

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