جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

Secretary General of Nas Society for Social Support meets with the Program Director of the Turkish Doctors Worldwide Organization

Secretary General of Nas Society for Social Support meets with the Program Director of the Turkish Doctors Worldwide Organization

The Secretary General of Nas Society for Social Support, Dr. Abdulwase Alwasea, met Safa Shamshek, Head of Programs and Operations at the Turkish Doctors Worldwide Organization, at the Nas Society headquarters in Istanbul on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. In the meeting, the discussions focused on ways to enhance joint cooperation between the two societies for the purpose of serving humanitarian work in Yemen and Turkey.

Discussions also dealt with the ongoing project in the Yemeni governorate of Taiz in the field of treating cases of malnutrition for children and mothers for three health centers for a full year until the end of 2021.

At the end of the meeting, it was emphasized that more joint efforts be made between the two parties in favor of providing humanitarian services in the health field.

It is worth noting that the two societies signed a project agreement in early January of the current year. The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohammed Bayashoot, executive director of Nas Society, and Ahmed Fatih Ceyhan, the project coordinator at the Turkish Doctors Worldwide Organization.

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