جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

A delegation from NAS society visiting the Sabaa Sanabel Association

A delegation from NAS society for social support, consisting of Mr. Yahya Al-Daba, President of the Association, Dr. Abdulwasi Al-Wasei, Secretary-General of the Association, and Dr. Muhammad Bayachout, Executive Director of the Association, visited the Seven Sanabel Association (Yedi Başak) in the city of Gaziantep, on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. They were hosted by Mr. Mustafa Bulut, President of the host Association, Mr. Musa Sheshek, Director of Programs and Projects, and Mr. Hassan Halabi, Director of Relations and Marketing.

The most important outputs of the visit were the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two associations in supporting Yemen, focusing on development projects and livelihood projects for marketing, exchanging experiences and experiments in all humanitarian and charitable aspects and coordinating all seasonal projects including the sacrifice projects 2021 AD (1442 AH).

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