جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

A delegation from NAS society visiting Al-Ameen Association for Humanitarian Support

On Thursday, June 3, 2021 Mr. Yahya Al-Daba, President of the Association, Dr. Abdul Wasi Al-Wasei, Secretary-General of the Association, and Dr. Muhammad Bayachout, Executive Director of the Association, visited Al-Ameen Association for Humanitarian Support in GaziAntep City where they met with Mr. Muawiya Harrouni, President of the host Association, Mr. Muhammad Deeb, Director of Programs and Projects Office – Yemen and Mr. Muhammad Nahil, Director of the Sweden Office and Director of Syria Programs. During the meeting, the role of associations and their role in humanitarian work to serve the needy Syrian and Yemeni refugees in Turkey was presented. It was also agreed during the meeting to strengthen bilateral relations between the two associations to support Yemen. The two parties also agreed to exchange expertise and experience in all humanitarian and charitable aspects and to form lines of acquaintance with a number of Turkish associations and organizations and others.

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