جمعية ناس للدعم المجتمعي

NAS society arranging a workshop to analyze the environmental situation for associations interested in the humanitarian situation

On Friday, July 9, 2021 at 10 am in the hall of Belqis  Yemen Association -Turkey, NAS society for social support arranged a workshop on analyzing the environmental situation for humanitarian associations interested in the humanitarian situation (opportunities for success, challenges of Failure) with the participation of 14 Turkish associations and legal persons.

The workshop dealt with a detailed explanation about the analysis of the environmental situation and the effects of the external environment on the work of associations interested in the humanitarian situation, and the importance of strategic planning for the work of associations.

During the workshop, Mr. Yahya Al-Daba, President of the NAS society for social support, gave the opening speech in which he welcomed all the attendees and wished them success in making the workshop’s activities successful in particular and in their other humanitarian work in general, as he noted the important outputs on which the workshop is based

The workshop was managed by a number of specialists in strategic planning.

  The workshop was attended by a number of heads and mangers of associations working in the humanitarian situation in Turkey

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